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March, 2025
For anyone interested in chakras and understanding human energy.
Gain another layer of knowledge and energy management with this course. Get the chakra energy center lowdown and how to manage energy that is activated or out of balance in your life. Understand how energy is interpreted through the chakra centers. Understand the why of your reactions and responses life experiences. Learn about your auric field and how you interact energetically with the world around you, how energy from the outer world affects your day to day life, and how to manage it.
March, 2025
For Bodyworkers, Intuitive Counselors, Energy Workers, and Coaches.
This course is based in the principles of Polarity Therapy, and Auyervedic Elements. It offers students a way to build a greater dimensional perspective of human energy in themselves and when working with others. Learn how the 5 elements; earth, water, fire, air and ether interact within our body, mind, emotions, and spirit, what may create imbalances, and how to return to balance. Learn approaches for balancing excesses or depletions in elemental energy within yourself, or your clients. Get an understanding of the 3 functions of each element through body astrology. Expand your body knowledge and energy skills. Learn simple and comprehensive s for application in energy healings, bodywork, or coaching sessions.
* Recommended: Human Energy: The Chakras and The Auric Field, Pre Recorded Course, or Reading Energy 2: Chakras, Auras and Color as Vibration, Online Course
PRE-RECORDED - July, 2025
In this intimate, small course practice students refine their senses and touch. Work with the powerful energy of the chakra body and delicate energy field. Learn to feel with your hands and your heart, and practice the graceful dance of doing with non-doing. Learn to recognize where the centers are obstructed, depleted, or overcharged, and apply cohesive and balanced touch, to restore and optimize their vitality. Clear and reset the energy field. Expand your body knowledge and energy skills. Learn simple and comprehensive meditations and energy exercises for holistic awareness.
At this time I will be pausing live online, and hands on classes. Currently, there are a few prerecorded series' in the works. You can read about them on this page.
There will be an email blast as each recording becomes available or check back here for updates if you like. The dates for release are approximate so stay tuned. Subscribe below to be on my email list.
You can click on the link below to get to the store and previously recorded webinars for sale.
I have the utmost gratitude for all the students who have come through my classes and brought their talents and gifts to EAE.
If you are interested in hosting a live hands on class, series, or drum journey group, please contact me by email at the bottom of this page.
I look forward to reengaging live courses in the not too distant future.
Until then blessings, light and harmony to you all.
In Love,
Victoria Kosyakov, Philadelphia, PA
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